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DilaniDiva Pay-per-Call

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Dilani Diva

Spiritual Guru- Live Advice in all areas of life.
Call now for guidance -Dilani speaks to her spirit guides to give you clarity and predictions. Please have specific questions to get a clear reading. If you are confused about your path, she will be able to assist you with kind dialogue. Thank you for visiting Dilani Diva we hope to assist you today!..
Dilani Diva
Rate: US$ 4.00 per minute

How to use the DilaniDiva Pay-per-Call service?

The DilaniDiva Pay-per-Call service allows you to call Dilani Diva
at US$ 4.00 per minute
over land line or mobile phone lines (our system calls your phone and connects you with Dilani Diva).
All calls are private, Dilani Diva does not see your phone number.
  • Step 1: Sign up as member
  • Step 2: Add funds to your account using your credit card. We accept all major Credit Cards.
  • Step 3: Start making calls. It is that easy!